Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Third time's not so charming


I was able to get the biggest dilator all of the way in for the third time today, but it wasn't so great. I did the same thing I did the last two times. I started with dilator one and it was easy, went on to dilator two and it was easy, but dilator three was kind of painful and uncomfortable.
This was probably because I only took a day break in-between and was still a little sore. I think I will take Thursday and Friday off and try the dilators again on Saturday. Sometimes I get upset that I'm not making faster's been seven months....
I'm just trying to stay positive and stay focused!


  1. My blog site is

    My e-mail address is

    I am a man in my late 20s who believes that sex is NOT a necessity. Sex is just a choice.

    If I am satisfied with masturbation, then I DO NOT need sex. Unsafe sex can cause the following:

    1.)STD /HIV
    2.)Hurting women with Vaginismus

    Masturbation is enough to keep me satisfied. Because Condoms may break and pills can have side effects.

    Believe it or not, there are some girls who are DUMB about their own sex organs.
    Just watch:

    In 0:48, one girl said: "My mom sat me down and we talked about sex. When she told me that it was a penis going inside a vagina, I WAS SHOCKED. I though that sounded SO GROSS. And I didn't know that I had an opening there."

    -Maybe you are one of those DUMB girls.

    There are two types of God's natural birth control:
    1.) Vaginismus
    2.) Having a Thick Hymen

    Most humans are genetically designed to learn how to masturbate. Masturbation teaches them to be sexually self-aware. But some, particularly women, have limited or no masturbation skills and end up having Vaginismus or tough Hymen. Because God forbids them to learn about sex to control the population. Some women do not own their bodies because God owns them.

    Sex is not a necessity. It is a choice.
    Just MASTURBATE with your clit. HAHAHAHAHA.

    If God owns your vagina, then you do NOT need sex. PLEASE REPLY.

    My blog site is

    My e-mail address is

  2. Primary Vaginismus is God’s way of telling a woman that she is DESTINED to become a nun or celibate to keep the population down.
    She has a NUN'S VAGINA. God works in strange ways. I am now an enlightened man. Treating Vaginismus is against God's will.
