Tuesday, February 1, 2011


It's very hard for me to understand why anyone would have a problem with someone trying to have a sexual relationship with their spouse. Yet, I am being continually harassed by someone who tells me, "God doesn't want you to have sex."

Genesis 1:28. God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

Matthew 19:6 Since they are no longer two but one, let no one separate them, for God has joined them together.

Song of Solomon is completely dedicated to the love of a husband and wife and their expression of that love. 6:3 I am my lover's and my lover is mine.

Fist Corinthians 7:4-5 . The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. The wife's body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband. In the same way, the husband's body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife.

So in fact, I believe God does want me to have sex. I believe my intact hymen is a medical issue that is no different than my mother having cancer. But, there are people out there who think my mother should just die and go through treatment, I guess.


  1. There are two types of Vaginismus:

    1. Primary vaginismus – oops, she has a nun’s vagina. Violating a nun’s vagina is immoral.

    2. Secondary vaginismus – happens usually after giving birth or menopause. It means God doesn’t want you to make MORE kids. A natural birth control.

    Vaginismus is the most unique of all forms of medical disorders. It can NOT kill a person. It does not damage or impair her other physical activities such as walking, talking, running, thinking, remembering, sleeping, etc. It is not a cancer, virus or infection. A woman can still live a normal life while remaining a virgin. Sex is NOT a necessity.
    Sex is just a CHOICE.

    FYI: Cancer, Colds, Flu and Fever are often preventable. Early aging is also considered a disease that is preventable.

    However, Vaginismus may INDIRECTLY kill a woman because of her frustration due to lack of sex, leading her to commit SUICIDE. If she does not let her condition ruin her happiness, then things will be just fine. She can just find her happiness elsewhere (her clitoris).

    Women with Primary Vaginismus can still enjoy intercourse but ONLY IN THEIR DREAMS. In reality, they just can’t because it is too damn painful for them. They masturbate by just rubbing their clitoris but they always avoid vaginal insertion. Because they’re scared of their own fingers (or anything).

    FYI: Sex is a desire, a craving and a WANT. It is not a chore to please another. It is an expression of mutual affection.

    I am a man who believes in WOMEN’S RIGHTS. If a woman has a right to say NO to sex, then so does her VAGINA. She should respect her VAGINAL RIGHTS. They are:

    1.) Vagina’s right to refuse sex.

    2.) Vagina’s right to self-pleasure

    3.) Vagina’s right to self-lubricate.

    By knowing these rights, one should realize the difference between sex and rape. Penetrating a dry, unaroused and unwilling vagina is RAPE.

    If a woman has Primary Vaginismus, it means her VAGINA is refusing sex. It’s God’s form of BIRTH CONTROL. Vaginismus is God’s way of saying that women are NOT baby factories.

    One probable cause of Primary Vaginismus (other than sexual abuse)is a woman’s ignorance of her own sexuality.
    It is therefore reasonable to say that if a woman is DUMB about her own sex organ, then God can intervene and manipulate her vagina for the purpose of birth control.

    She can still be impregnated even if it violates God’s will. We’re free to obey or disobey. It’s called FREE WILL. She may be tempted by her imaginary and deceitful “BIOLOGICAL CLOCK”, like a snake in the Garden of Eden. Instead of infertility, God inflicts PAIN to test her obedience.

    Hymen Reconstruction Surgery is WRONG. But God allowed it to happen.

    Female Circumcision is WRONG. But God allowed it to happen.

    …well…the same thing can be said about trying to cure Vaginismus.
    We are free to do what is right and what is wrong.

    I am moderately agnostic but thinks that God has reasons for everything.

    PLEASE REPLY. My website is http://maypakivideos.blogspot.com/

  2. Primary Vaginismus is God’s way of telling a woman that she is DESTINED to become a nun or celibate to keep the population down.
    She has a NUN'S VAGINA. God works in strange ways. I am now an enlightened man. Treating Vaginismus is against God's will.
