Yesterday, I had my first successful pelvic exam. It has been four weeks since my surgery so, my husband and I drove the four hours for my check up and to meet with my therapist. I say the exam was successful, but that does not mean she was able to perform what is considered a "normal" pap smear. However, she was able to insert a q-tip and was able to see that I am now open.
However, my vaginismus prohibited me from allowing her to do the normal exam. Even with the q-tip I kept pulling away from her and freaking out. But, it didn't hurt. I just can't help pulling away. So, now I have to work on that. My therapist gave my husband and I some Sensate Focus exercises to start with. Also, we are supposed to try inserting something small. The doctor suggested either I could insert a q-tip or he could use his finger.
I think that I would have more success with my husband trying to insert his finger as opposed to me trying the q-tip. I feel that I would get too nervous and end up talking my self out of it.
That may sound weird that I would rather him try than me, but I think I trust him more than I trust myself. I have known since I was barely a teenager that no matter what he would always support me. I wouldn't be here without him. I wouldn't be a lot of places without him. He has the patience of Job.
Right now he is having to work ALL of the time because of his job. But, once his work slows down, we will start with the Sensate focus exercises and the small insertions.
It is kind of crazy how far we have come in three months. For six years, we were at a stalemate. In three months, I have met with a therapist several times, had two examinations by a gynecologist and a hymenectomy. That is a lot of progess for a short amount of time. I am feeling pretty good about where I am right now and where I am going.
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