Well, I thought I would be able to insert the smallest dilator, today. I was wrong. I could not get it in any further than yesterday. I could only get the very very tip of it in. So, then I tried to insert the tampon. I got it in about half-way, but it started to burn to I took it out after a few minutes.
Finally, I decided that I would try to insert my middle finger. I had more success with this. It didn't burn at all. This is what felt the most natural. I think the cotton on the q-tip and the tampon burns me. Anyway, this felt the most natural and I was able to get it in all the way to my knuckle and it didn't hurt at all. I felt like I could have gotten it in further but the way I was sitting, my arm couldn't reach far enough.
I think I will try the finger again tomorrow. I will try to get it in all the way. If I have success with that, then I will try the smallest dilator. So, I guess I am making progress. I just wish I could make it faster.
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